Minecraft PE
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Published: 23.01.2025

Download Minecraft for free on Android: put mob heads on note blocks, play additional sounds, craft hanging signs from bamboo, and much more!

What is new in Minecraft PE

Thanks to the developers of Mojang, more resources, new sounds, and effects appear in the game world. The behavior of mobs is improving, and the functionality of items is expanding. Minecraft gives players more opportunities and lets them use new blocks.

Playable mob sounds

To get the sounds of some mobs, Minecraft PE players can set their heads on note blocks. By the way, some heads can even move their ears, for example, piglins.


Among the blocks for construction, Minecraft players can find bamboo. This material is beautiful and durable: users can create different structures from these blocks. Those who want to try crafting new hanging signs can also use bamboo wood.

Some materials got unique sounds, for instance, Crimson and Warped blocks.

The colors of many blocks in Minecraft PE match Java Edition. For example, Wooden and iron doors have the same sounds. Wooden buttons have improved click sounds too.


Players can use chiseled bookshelves to place enchanted books and other items in Minecraft With the help of this item, it is possible to create an entire library inside the dwelling.

The game developers offer to craft hanging signs from different types of wood, and place them in a prominent place for easy reading of the text.


Creatures already familiar to players have received improvements in behavior. For example, camels no longer get into boats in Minecraft PE These animals are known for their unique abilities. Players can saddle them and travel long distances in the game world. A saddle placed on a camel accommodates two riders.

Besides, Evoker has a sitting animation when the creature rides a vehicle.

OS: Android
Changes: camel, bamboo wood, mob sounds
Release date: 11 January 2023
Author: Mojang
Publisher: Microsoft
License: Free
Xbox Live: +
File: APK
  • How to hear mob sounds?
    Players should put a mob head on a note block.
  • Where do camels spawn?
    Players can meet them in desert villages.
  • What block helps to know which book is taken from chiseled bookshelves?
    A comparator.

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